My Hair-Raising and Heartwarming Adventures as a Pet Sitter – REVIEW

Litercurious Book Review

TitleMy Hair-Raising and Heartwarming Adventures
as a Pet Sitter
AuthorChristi Grace
PublisherHarvest House Publishers (Feb. 2020)
FormatKindle, Paperback,Hardcover, and Audiobook     
ISBN #0736978968 / 978-0736978965     

Dakota’s condition, which was mostly covered up by the long blanket under the saddle. Amos removed both the saddle and blanket, and I was shocked. Under all that tack was a terribly emaciated horse!’

Christi Grace (2020) Harvest House Publishers. Loc. 598.

 Author’s Bio

Christi Grace is the author of My Hair-Raising and Heartwarming Adventures as a Pet Sitter. She devoted a dozen years as a pet sitter for a stable of animal characters most of which provided her with the inspirations for her novelette.

Click here to read about the author.  

Who Is The Target Audience?

You are; if you love animals and your fellow man.


This is the first faith-based book that I have had the privilege to review. I am normally approached to write complex scientific tombs owing to my academic background. When I stumbled across this book, I was intrigued by the book cover and then the title. I had no idea that the work was humorous, laconic, inspirational, profoundly moving, and a homage to Christi Grace’s devotion to Jesus Christ.

What followed was a beautiful retinue of animal stories some deeply moving and others full of drama and pathos. The text doesn’t only revolve around our ‘furry friends’ however it also includes a tale of human existence, challenges, and tragedies.

There are a number of characters throughout the book, and it begins with Gideon’s story. Gideon with the beautiful eyes and only three working limbs. Christi Grace portrays a stunning image of Gideon and her warmth for him radiates from the pages as she leads us through his life adventure. The list begins with Gideon and ends with Graces’s long standing friendship with Joy. In between are the recollections of Ginger the goat, Rocko the Polish rooster, Zinna, Maui, Dekota, Molly, Hollis, ToTo, and the invisible cats. In addition to the animal menagerie is the cast of human characters.

This fable has multiple attractions primary among them is the engaging tales, adventures and humanity in this written account of her experiences. The monograph enjoys a broad appeal. The text contains humor, pathos, inspiration, and devotion when brought together they produce a heady mix. Therefore, if you are looking for fun, a distraction, something to read that carries a positive message this manuscript will fulfill your needs. 

The format is made up of compendium anecdotes about the dogs, cats, goats, horses, and people. In many ways the stories make up a series of parables cleverly linked together by Grace’s use of Biblical quotes and passages. This juxtaposition of her real-life experiences and that of ‘The Book’ see each supporting the other.

Grace is moved and motivated deeply from a place of love, admiration and faith; all concentrated by her personal life experience. Grace tells us many times how the panoply of God’s blessings continually gives her reason to praise him. She shares that praise with the reader in copious amounts. This in no way distracts from the chronicle, in may ways it enhances the narrative and supports it. 

As mentioned above the characters are many and varied, as are the experiences both amusing and sad. I could not help but be moved by several of the tales, and I admit to finding some rather humorous. I found myself gripped by the tales which were both written well and completely believable to anyone who has ever owned a pet.

Christi Grace has managed to distill twelve years of caring for other people’s animals into a concise read. It is short enough to be read in an hour or two or to be savored like a fine wine over a few days.


My Hair-Raising and Heartwarming Adventures as a Pet Sitter written by Christi Grace is as described in the title. There is humor, pathos, life and death decision making throughout. Ultimately, it is about how Christi Grace recognizes her spirituality in her everyday working life as a pet sitter. It is clear that Christi is eternally grateful for blessings she has received and this work is her eulogy for those gifts.

Of all the stories in the manuscript, the story of Dakota is the one that will remain with me. Animal cruelty is abhorrent to me, and this is such a tale. If you read this book for no other reason then read it for Dakota (Shiloh’s Promise) Beginning Chapter 5. Loc. 548.

The stories are touching, eloquently written and full of love for the animals she cared for. Her passion and love will rub off on you and engage you. I challenge you not to shed a tear over Shiloh’s Promise.

If I have any criticism, it is the stories could have been more comprehensive and lacked illustrations or images. I also would have liked Christi to talk more about herself, her circumstances and her family. Some people feel reluctant to read any faith influenced book and this is such a pity.

I found the dedications at the end useful as an aid memoir.


My sincere thanks go to: NetGalley, The Author, Christi Grace, and Harvest House Publishers (2020) for affording me the opportunity to review; My Hair-Raising and Heartwarming Adventures as a Pet Sitter.

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